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Rewardical Member Privacy Policy

View the Rewardical Member Privacy Policy here.

Rewardical E-Commerce Associate Privacy Policy

Carson Services, Inc., parent company of Rewardical, holds the privacy and security of our site visitors in the highest regard. The following information explains the type of information gathered on our sites and how that information is used.

When you become a Rewardical ECA, we collect the following information:

First Name
Last Name
Your position at the company
E-Mail Address
Street Address
Fax Number
Company Name
Currency Used
Business Description
Business URL
Business Details/Preferences
Category of business

How is your account information used?

Your name, business address, contact person information, business category, descriptions, optional business details and preferences you input, and phone numbers are used to facilitate communication with you, process your transactions, ensure accurate placement within the Rewardical.com search engine, and to customize your Rewardical account pages. E-mail addresses are used to send you messages regarding your business's rewards program transactions, ECA account, promotional messages about Rewardical-based new offers, and other relevant communications.

We NEVER sell, rent, or loan our e-mail lists or any other personal information to third parties. Period!


Upon request, you may request (free of charge) your personal data Rewardical has collected and stored. This information will be provided in a timely manner in a common readable format file.

Should you decide to opt out of the Rewardical ECA program entirely, you may also request the complete erasure of all personal information (including name, photo, profile information, etc.) pertaining to you on our servers.